While in Matehuala, Mexico, a husband and wife visited
a small Pentecostal church during the time we were ministering
a revival service and having a community pastors gathering.
The couple were visiting from Monterrey. The wife had a
medical issue that was undetermined by doctors but obviously
she was hurting. Her back was bent, she could not sit correctly,
and movement was hard on her. She came up for prayer. While
people prayed, I asked the Lord what I should pray. I heard
Him say, “Tell her, crrrrruckkk.” I did not understand, but I said
it anyway. I told the lady in Spanish, Dios dice, crrruckkk”
meaning “God says, crrrrruckkk.”

Immediately, her back straighten and she was instantly healed. It sounded like a chiropractic adjustment had happened
to her, with the sound crrrrruckkk. I remembered the sound because I used to work for a Chiropractor for a couple of years.
The husband began weeping.
When I went to ask the husband why he was weeping he said he prayed that if God healed his wife, he would become the
pastor of that church in Matehuala. It sounded strange because
now he had to let his wife know that they were going to have to
move from Monterrey to Matehuala and let the current pastor
know what he prayed. The pastor began to weep also because
he prayed that someone would be the pastor of that church
because he had a heart for evangelism on the streets.
It all worked out. A woman was healed. A pastor became
an evangelist. A new pastor was in place and nothing was
holding them back from moving forward. This is a prime
example of how determination, desperation, and manifestation