I can hear your voice in the distance But I can't see your face When can I be with you? I miss your secure embrace.
Heavenly Father, you never left me
Even while I was running away.
You were always near me
In sorrow, joy, and my pain.
When can I tell you
All the secrets I hide in my heart?
The deepest of my hopes and fears
And ask forgiveness for a brand new start.
So even at this hour as I am in the valley
Come up higher I can hear you say,
And then the sound so familiar,
Your lips call out my name.
My knees are weak, my face I hide,
Then you lift up my head and you begin to smile.
This lost sheep I have now found,
And for you alone I walked the extra mile.
You are my Beloved, My lamb I adore Why would you stray or say your alone Always will I be with you, you can be assured My child, you are the one my heart beats for.