One day I went to visit a family in Freer that I visited often. Not
for fellowship or our long praise reports. That day, the family
called me because they were in need of prayer. When I came
over, everyone looked fine to me, so who was the prayer for?
This family had various kinds of fur babies that were treated
like their family members. When the youngest daughter
brought out two kittens who were about 6 months old, I could
tell that she wanted me to pray for them. I did not laugh one
bit, because I knew the seriousness of the request and the faith
of the youngest daughter. The parents called me because they
were ready to take the kittens to the veterinarian and have them
put them to sleep.
The kittens were riddled with tumors on their little furry
bodies, they were too weak to walk, and their eyes were swollen
shut from lack of proper nutrition because they were not eating.
These kittens were definitely sickly. I may have recommended
they to take the kittens to the vet and carry on with their sincere
motive, but my heart broke when I saw the young girl’s face, so
I refrained from voicing out my thought. The girl left the room
because she did not want to face the inevitable. I did what I
knew to do. I prayed for the kittens.

After I anointed the kittens with oil, prayed, I sat and visited with the parents for a while. It may have been about 30
minutes, as I did have a tendency to enjoy fellowship. The young girl came out of her room, and saw the kittens. She asked us to come over and see what had happened to the kittens. They regained some strength, their eyes were beginning to
open, some of the tumors decreased in size.
The kittens made it. They did not have to do the final
visit to the vet. To all of our surprise, yes, even mine, a miracle
for the kittens was granted. It was an awkward request. I do
not claim to know how or why God does things or does not do
them, but when He answers the prayer of faith for anyone, I get
excited, but for pets, I am learning everything belongs to God,
even furbabies.