Before any ministering in San Luis Potosi, Mexico we prayed.
We were going to be meeting with several pastors from different churches.
We interceded and asked God what we were to do next.
We would also discuss any dreams or
visions we had that may pertain to the mission. I had a dream
that just lingered, I didn’t understand it, but I knew it something
to do with our mission.
The dream was about a witch named Abigail. In the
dream, I saw her. She was not hideous nor eerie. Beautiful and
very helpful, but something wasn’t quiet right. The only thing
that was out of place was when she introduced herself, she said
“I’m a witch named Abigail.” She was giving gifts to everyone
with a smile on her face.
We didn’t come to any conclusion as to what that dream
meant, but we didn’t worry too much about it either for the
duration of the day. Later that evening we visited a Baptist
church in one of the villages on the mountain. The pastor asked
us to come over and pray over his building that was under
renovation with cinderblocks.
The pastor reported that he had a thriving church just a
couple months before we showed up. The church was
experiencing revival, healing, and salvations. They opened
their doors to a community pastors and city leader prayer
meetings that was well attended.

He remembered that a huge beautiful piano was donated to their church. He really didn’t know what to do with the
piano since no one knew how to play it. So he put it in the far corner of the church. After a couple of days, there was a stench
that came from the piano. When he opened the piano flap there was evidence of a dead animal and items of witchcraft.
He disposed of the carcass and items. He didn’t tell anyone
because he didn’t want people to get scared.
Shortly after his finding, there was a split in the church.
Some of the intercessors became prideful, insubordinate, and
left the church that they were faithful to for years. The
community pastor and city leader meetings dwindled quickly.
The project of the addition to the church came to a complete
halt as the volunteer workers just left. No one told the pastor
why or what happened. He was saddened.
Two pastors stayed for the prayer meetings and were
asked to be a part of the meeting we were having. One of the
pastors was from a Catholic church and the other was from
Church of Christ. They were unaware of the piano issue until
we were discussing it. I asked the pastor if he knew who
donated the piano, he said it was a lady named Abigail.
We spoke to the pastors about what we discussed earlier
that morning and about the dream. We advised the pastor to get
rid of the piano. Don’t sell it, don’t give it away, don’t try to
get money for it. Burn it. Everyone agreed and they burned the
Before we left Matehuala, the Baptist pastor called our
team leader with a praise report that some of the pastors and
city leaders meeting, some of the intercessors, some of the
congregation, and the volunteer workers started calling for
forgiveness and asked to return to the church. Praise God!