I am one who would Do and Do and Do a little more just for the purpose of DOING. Keeping myself occupied to help me forget about myself. Enjoying the moments without hesitation to see what more I could do.
A person mentioned that it is okay not to be busy, but to be attentive to what is already going on around me.
Jesus has been merciful to me and has kept me, and for this I am thankful. As the hardest season in my life, I have found JESUS to be my best friend who has truly been closer than my brother. I have purposed in many ways to become a friend to those around me, knowing that they may also embrace me, or betray, none the less a friend I will be.
How can I grasp this love, the love of a friend, like the Love of Jesus, like the love that I share, when there are so many things to do? Forget the doing and JUST BE!

When I stop being driven by things to keep me from facing my reality, I can learn to take control and drive to the places I really want to go. Then and only then, I can focus on how far JESUS has already brought me through, and keep my eyes on HIS promise.
So my goal is to stop being driven and learn to drive and really listen for direction and be a friend along the way for those who are in need of the one thing I have to offer. I have the love of Jesus. When I am hurt by those I love, I have to remember that some really don't know what they do, and forgive, move forward, and stay focused.
Don’t be driven by my emotions, but drive on to what’s ahead of me. And while I’m learning to drive, let Jesus take the wheel. He already knows where we are going.